Randy G.
PBIA Master Billiard Instructor
WARNING: “There is no aiming system ever developed that will work well with a faulty stroke!”
Most all of the “greats” already have a “Go-To” ball pocketing system.
They have it deep rooted into their sub-conscious.
They don’t think aiming; they just play.
If you have that type of system, AUTO-AIM probably isn’t for you.
BUT- on the other hand … here’s something you might like.
AUTO-AIM is named for several reasons.
Mentally, it quickly becomes automatic.
Learn it - Forget It - Do it!
Physically it eliminates any guess work on where to aim.
No more degrees, angles, contact points, or ghost balls to figure out.
The normal AUTO-AIM class has been about two hours.
The 1st half of class is Installation.
The 2nd half of class is Table-Adaption.
Yes, there is paperwork to take home.
$300 General Tuition (I am not responsible for a poor stroke)
$100 discount for SPF Student (bring your MANTRA)
After your class, you should give yourself about two weeks of training/testing before any old information is gone from your Brain. Then off you go, put your aim on cruise control!
AUTO-AIM can become a powerful tool in your arsenal.
Only OPEN MINDS need to sign in. Bring your playing cue.
I have never seen anything like this system … EVER … in my 55 plus years of teaching!
This is BALL POCKETING on steroids!